
I have been given a task to produce a set design which is based on the film called, "Little Shop of Horrors." As the set design is very important within theatres I am expected to create a stage which meets all of the requirements of the film as well as 1950's New York. During the process of organising an outstanding stage for an audience, I will be noting down key aspects of my planning. This includes the production of the design and as much research as possible. Also, it is essential to communicate with all members of my group and sharing new ideas. I will ensure that my ideas are original and I am asking opinions from my teacher and client. I am looking forward to creating an exciting design for the stage and an outcome I can proudly reflect on.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Types of staging

A proscenium theatre includes the main element of a large frame or arch which is positioned on or close to the front of the stage. It is described that in Latin, the use of expression "proscenium" means "in front of the scenery."
Comprised in a proscenium theatre, the viewers are directly facing the stage with no audience on either side. The stage is usually raised above the front row audience level. The performance is seen through the proscenium arch and the key area is the space behind the proscenium arch which is frequently noticeable by a curtain that can be lowered and drawn closed. However, any space that cannot be viewed to the audience is named as offstage.
  • Backdrops, curtains and lighting can be used to greater effect without risk of rigging being visible to the audience.
  • Entrances and exits can be made more graceful; surprise becomes possible.
  • The actors only have to concentrate on playing to the audience in one direction. 

  •  It is difficult (though not impossible) to turn it into something else
  • May be considered boring
A thrust stage allows the audience to glance from three sides and is joined to the backstage area by its up stage end. Entrances onto a thrust are most willingly made from backstage although some entrances may possibly enter through the audience. The audience in a thrust stage theatre may view the stage from three or more sides. If a performance employs the fourth wall, that imaginary wall must be maintained on multiple sides.

  • Closeness of the semi-circle seating, the close audience relationship to the performance
  • Many people could watch the play since the seating arrangement did not go all the way around the stage.
  • Everyone would see the actors in different angles

In the round provides any theatre space in which the audience are surrounded around the stage area. The stage itself is in general round, diamond, or triangular, with actors entering and exiting through the audience from different directions or from below the stage. Such a space is usually configured with the stage on an even level with or lowered below the audience in a "pit" or "arena" formation. This configuration lends itself to high-energy productions, and is especially favoured by producers of classical theatre.

  • Gives off the most intimacy.
  • Audience is right there, sitting in the first row, and all the action is right there in your face.
  • The audience gets closer to the action because of the seating on all four sides

    • Because of the seating being around the whole stage, scenery cannot really be all the elaborate and amazing.
    • Some of the audience members would be blocked out of the performance.
    • This restricted actors and directors choices for some of the movements on stage.
    • There is no barrier from the stage

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